Feeling Grateful

Gratitude changes everything.

Over and over I see the difference a daily gratitude practice makes for people.

We see increasing evidence of the impact it has on our perspective, mood, and wellbeing. Research shows us now how being grateful literally changes our brains 🤯

The best part is it is a versatile and accessible practice.

We can maintain our own practice of journalling or reflecting. And we can look for opportunities with our teams, our families, a mastermind group, or friends to create a shared practice of expressing what we are thankful for.

A few simple questions can guide us:

What has made today a great day?

List 3 things I am grateful for today?

Who am I thankful for?

What is an act of good / kindness that I observed today?

The more we practice, the more we see. On days when we are tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed the moment we stop to consider what we are grateful for changes our outlook. We become what Zig Ziglar called ‘good finders’ and our brains become tuned into all that is good.

A gratitude practice shows us that it’s not the highlight reel but the everyday moments that make for a good life. And that is something to be grateful for, don’t you agree?


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