Domino Toppling

I’m always in awe of those record-breaking attempts at domino toppling. The effort and precision involved to set up the domino patterns; the care not to have any topple before you are ready; and the spectacle of it all when that first domino is released.

When we topple over the dominoes in our own work and life, we may not know exactly where they’ll lead although we can be confident that tipping one domino can cause an awe-inspiring change.

A passing comment can spark a new idea.

Implementing one new behaviour can build a new habit.

Saying yes to an invitation can open up new opportunities.

Meeting a new person can turn into a long-term, valuable relationship.

And so on, and so forth.

How awesome that one domino can lead us in all sorts of new directions.

I’m curious, where might your next domino be ready to fall?


Looking For Growth


Take A Break