Looking For Growth

As I watched my sporting team lose a game, I felt good.

I listened to much of the commentary about the failure … the loss … the gaps … and all that went wrong.

Sure, it would have been great to have had a win. Sure, I could feel mad, or sad, about how the game was bad.

Yet I had been watching with an eye to what brought hope. Growth. Intensity. Motivation. Effort. Learning.

These things show us what change looks like. Through it we get a glimpse of the possibility for the future.

A sporting match, our work, our goals, our life are not win-lose, black and white matters. In each, what we look for is what we’ll see.

I see something different, and that feels good.

I’m curious, what are you looking for, and what might you see?


Not Knowing


Domino Toppling