Do You See What I See?

Do you see what I see?

In a number of separate conversations this week, I’m reminded that the view of the label from inside the bottle is often vastly different.

What we see is often impacted by the ghosts of stories past, and those we currently believe represent us.

“I’m not good at …”

“I’ve always been a ________ [insert word of choice] type of person”

“I could never …”

Or similar.

When we are brave enough to share the inner view, reach out for feedback, and curiously test our reality, we can open up some interesting conversations.

The opportunity to see how the label reads from outside the bottle can change our story a little, or a lot. And, like a pebble in the pond, shifting our inner view can ripple out to even greater change in the way we show up in the world.

I’m curious, if you were to read the label from the other side, do you see what I see?


Curve Balls


Change Your Mind