Curve Balls

Control is an illusion.

Work, and life, has a way of

Throwing curveballs …

Dropping bombshells …

Blindsiding us …

Giving bolts from the blue …

Surprising us …

Twisting, and turning, and jolting …

And so on.

Oftentimes these remove the steadiness underfoot and have us feeling a little wobbly and unsettled.

People will often say to me, “I thought I had things under control, and then …”

We do feel like our steady state is having life in control. We schedule things, we plan things, we make decisions, we do things.

Truth is that things are always changing at some level, and we’re ebbing and flowing more than we realise, and there are always parts of work and life out of our control.

And when that next unexpected, unsteadying curveball comes our way, we’ll adapt and flex and find a way through.

The deeper truth is that is how we humans roll, especially when we let go of our need for control.

I’m curious, how has this week tested your adaptability and flexibility, and how might you practice letting go?


Hope & Optimism


Do You See What I See?