Curious Wisdom

French playwright, Françoise Sagan, once wrote, ‘curiosity is the beginning of all wisdom.’

As we reflect back on our week, where might we see the lessons from our own curiosity?


Ask: What new information or insights have I discovered this week?

It is always refreshing to have an a-ha moment and think, ‘wow, I didn’t know that …’

This is how curiosity can help us to LEARN.


Ask: What encounters cause me to question what I thought I knew?

It is vital to be open to new perspectives and information and think, ‘oh, I can see how this is a better option … ‘

This is how curiosity can help us to UNLEARN.


Ask: Where did I experience a reminder, or deepening, of knowledge?

It is priceless to have the opportunity to rediscover a lesson learned previously and think, ‘ah yes, that will be helpful to me …’

This is how curiosity can help us to RELEARN.


As the working week draws to a close, I’m curious how your wisdom may be just beginning.


Recognise Habits


Trust Yourself