Trust Yourself

Some stories are worth sharing over and over again.

[Much to the exasperation of my children 😉]

One of them being the story of three educated, experienced, wise colleagues who were travelling by car to a business meeting. At one point in the journey, the GPS suggested the driver take a right turn. All three raised an eyebrow, as that would take them away from their destination, not toward it. The driver commented that it should be a left turn, they nodded, then hummed and hawed and the driver turned right.

Of course, they were supposed to turn left.

In the time since I first heard that story, the voices telling us what to do have become prolific … and loud. The prevalent cultural shifts from things like technology and education often leave us listening to some other source of knowledge and wisdom.

When it comes to navigating a car journey, it has thankfully become more reliable and easier to listen to a GPS.

When it comes to navigating a change, though, it is crucial that we reconnect with our own knowing and wisdom.

In the same way, the three colleagues hummed and hawed over their decision to turn left or right, it is natural for us to wonder if someone (or something) else knows better. And, when we find ourselves wondering, it’s time to trust. The one person we can trust more than anyone (or anything) else is ourselves.

If taking a left turn is where our destination lies, turning left is what we shall do.

Trusting our own knowing and wisdom is perhaps the first change we should seek to make, don’t you agree.


Curious Wisdom


Imagine What If