Change Seekers

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you think:

We could do better

This has to change

What if we did this differently

Yes, me too.

I see the people who identify - and take action on - the abundant opportunities for improvement, new ideas and change at work, home and in our communities as change seekers. 

Which is all of us, really. We may apply it differently depending on our environment - making an improvement in our personal life vs speaking up about change in the workplace vs navigating the politics of your local sporting group, but we all do it to some extent.

As author Jim Rohn suggests, “if you really want to do something you’ll find a way”.

If you truly seek change, you can be a change seeker.

In December 2020, I published Change Seekers: Making a Difference. The second edition, paperback version will be released early in the new year. Stay tuned for further details, or send me a quick message if you’d like an early version. Request a copy


Get to vs Have to


Rain, Hail or …