Change Continuum

We’re quick to jump to the conclusion that people don’t like change.

In reality we tend to fall along a continuum of comfort with change. The range being from totally comfortable, loving change through to the totally uncomfortable, don’t like change. There are, of course, many points in between.

Where we sit along the continuum is situational, and not fixed in place.

We can be comfortable with change in our personal life and uncomfortable with change in the workplace. We can be uncomfortable with change that is imposed on us and comfortable with change that we choose to make. Or, we can be comfortable with change suggested by others and procrastinate on change that we decide to pursue. We can be comfortable with change when feeling refreshed and healthy and uncomfortable with change when tired and run-down.

Change happens all the time by choice and by chance.

Where do you sit along the continuum for the change you are seeking to make?


Space To Breathe


Teach Yourself