Celebrate The Small

We’re getting close to that time of year when our thoughts turn to reflections and celebrations.

We have a tendency to save our celebrations for the highlight reel. We often choose the big achievements, the new beginnings, significant endings, important anniversaries and the like.

What if we also choose to celebrate the everyday things?

A trouble-free commute.

Our favourite meal.

A positive conversation with a team member.

Our daily walk with the dog.

Each and every day there are numerous things that we might take for granted. They seem small and inconsequential at the time. And yet …

We know from neuroscience a practice of reflection, celebration, and gratitude rewires our brain. They evoke a positive response in our brains, reducing stress and anxiety and making us feel better.

So let us get ready to celebrate the highlight reel of the year that’s been. And let us continue to be grateful for all the little moments to celebrate along the way.

What are you celebrating today, this week, this month, and this year?


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Learning Moments