Because It’s Fun

It’s fun.

This was my son’s answer when quizzed by a family friend as to why he was taking part in the school’s drama production.

At an age where increasingly the expectation is that his actions must be contributing to a higher purpose, it was refreshing to hear him choose fun as the primary reason.

Fun is vital for we humans, at any stage of our lives.

I’ve had the good fortune of working with organisations and leaders where fun is valued, and seen as a vital element of a successful business. I’ve witnessed founders and CEO’s who encouraged younger people to pursue the work that they enjoy. You’ll be working a long time, they would say, best that you find it fun and rewarding.

Hooray, I say.

Fun is serious business. And, IT’S FUN is a valid and acceptable reason to pursue a course of action in our work, and life.

As we embark on a new week, what will you be doing because it’s fun?


Perfect Fit


Do It Your Way