Back On Track

Oh my, it’s July.

There’s more than a few of us feeling this way.

We may have had big plans for the first half of the year and it can feel like we blinked and it has gone. The rapid pace of work and life can hinder our progress on the important matters and it is frustrating when we are not where we thought we’d be.

How do we reset and get back on track?

Ask yourself:

How have my goals changed this year?

What do I want to achieve in the next month, quarter or by the end of the year?

What’s one, small thing I can do to get re-started?

How can I get moving and create some momentum?

The good thing about our goals is we can choose to reset them at any time. As we enter the second half of the year, it seems like a good time, don't you agree?


Tomorrow Today


Ideas Expand