Any Questions?

Any questions?

A question in itself, although often at the end of a talk, speech or lecture, it can come across more like a full-stop.

Any questions? [Please don’t ask me a question!]

Some of us, of course, don’t need to be prompted for questions. Thinking in questions is an integral part of the way we listen and learn.

For the curious, our minds are often abuzz with things we would like to explore further, or deeper.

For the life-long learner, we engage with a topic through questions and seek clarification and understanding.

For the change seeker, we see the possibility of new, better, and different through wondering ‘what if’ and ‘what about’.

Curiosity, learning and seeking are core human skills, vital to our work and life in the 21st century.

Although, in a culture that often values knowledge, certainty and experts over wisdom, discovery and learning, it’s no wonder that questions are not always welcome.

I wonder, if you could bring your curiosity, learning and seeking to something today, what questions would you ask?


It’s Contagious


Savour The Moment