
And, breathe …

A collective deep breath in feels appropriate as the calendar ticks over into the final month of the year.

We are told (sold?) that it is a time for connection, giving, holidays, joy, reflection and winding down.

Except what we see, and experience, is that for many it can be like falling into raging rapids and being pulled along, completely out of control. It can be tempting to simply keep your head above water and get through to next year.

Yes, we must remember to breathe.

In the middle of it all, there are moments to breathe, to progress our projects and kick some of those goals, to reflect, and to look forward.

Look for these moments.

Sieze these moments.

Relish these moments.

The year isn’t done yet. Nor are we.

If you need a sanity moment, book a 15 minute time-out call with me where I’ll lend an ear for a vent, celebration, reflection or chance to breathe.


Comfort Blankies


Ideas Time