Add More Awesome

Add more awesome.

These three words are the opening line of a poem I wrote recently.

It came about after sharing some photos with a friend of the fabulous - or should I say, awesome - Aurora Australis visible from parts of my state. It led to a deep discussion about the benefits of wonder and awe for our mental and physical wellbeing.

Wonder and awe is good for us.

We can stumble upon wonder and awe when encountering the southern lights, a sunset, or an amazing human feat, and we can intentionally seek out moments of wonder and awe.

Simple acts like an ‘awe walk’, or expanding a gratitude practice, or simply sharing awesome experiences with others. With time, intention and attention dedicated to discovering everyday wonder and awe, we can harness the benefits of lowering stress, cultivating joy, and re-wiring our brains for hope and optimism.

All the more reason to add more awesome into our work and lives, don’t you agree.


Thank You, Thank Me


Keep Looking