Adapt Ability

Our internet provider has sent multiple messages this week to advise of upcoming maintenance work and the possibility of an outage for a 2 hour period. 

Often we don’t get a warning of a minor - or major - disruption to our day. 

Building our adaptability muscle is crucial for those moments when life just happens.

When we hold on too tightly to a control mindset, when we schedule every minute of our day, when we expect things to happen just as we’ve planned them, we may well be setting ourselves up for failure and disappointment.

Instead being adaptable is the key to navigating the unexpected. It’s taking a deep breath when things go wrong. It’s seeing the humour or wonder in the unanticipated. It’s moving through plan b through z. It’s starting again. It’s changing the end date. 

And, it’s being grateful in the moments we do get advanced notice and can plan accordingly.

I’m curious, how do you adapt to the unexpected in your life?


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