Reflect & Learn

At a parent-teacher interview this week, we were shown our son’s reflection sheet. At the conclusion of each topic, they have the opportunity to reflect back on their learning, and it involves reviewing what they have learned, their process of learning, and the effort and intention they have given to their learning.

It’s a skill, and a practice, that we can all benefit from.

As a life-long practice, we continue to learn well beyond our schooling years. Every day we have the choice to acquire new knowledge and skills, and to take on the lessons that exist in all parts of our work and life. We have the ability to show up in every thing we do with a learning and growth mindset.

The end of a working week provides a moment to pause, reflect back on the week that was, and to embed what we have learned this week.

I’m curious, what does your learning and growth practice look like? Do you regularly take a moment to reflect on what, and how, you’re learning and growing?


Quiet Times


Adapt Ability