A Couple Of Minutes

Give me a couple of minutes.

2 minutes.

We can blink and miss them.

Or, we can use them.

We spend much of our time thinking about, talking about, and managing time. One of the most common things for me to hear from people about the change they seek is about having enough time.

In a weekly writing program, we commence with a 2 minute warm up. A short burst of free writing in response to a prompt. After many 2 minute bursts of writing, I am able to see the consistency with which I can produce words - each prompt inspiring between 120 and 150 words.

Imagine if I were to write for 2 minutes each day. In a year I would have approximately 50,000 words.

That’s a book, or two. It’s a thesis. It’s a weekly blog series. It’s consistent posting of business socials. It’s the script for a video series. It’s checking in on your team members, customers, suppliers. It’s a quick note to keep in touch with friends.

When we say, give me a couple of minutes, it’s worth more than we might realise.

How might the change you seek benefit from 2 minutes today?


People Are People


Learning & Growth