Learning & Growth

Learning is knowledge.

And …

Learning is growth.

When I heard a colleague mention how they used some new tech to streamline their process, I was keen for the knowledge. I could immediately see how it would be of benefit to my own process and save me a lot of time.

I reached out to see if they could give me the name and some pointers on the new tech, but they were already on holiday. So, I went and found my other friend: Google.

A little(ish) while later I had my knowledge.

And, more.

I had managed to piece together the puzzle and find the new tech, and learn enough about how it worked and how I could apply it to my work.

And, I had the opportunity to zoom out and consider the purpose of my process and how it might be improved. And, in doing that, I had found other options that would streamline things further. And, I discovered that my baseline of knowledge in many of these areas was deeper than I realised.

There are times when we simply need to learn to acquire new knowledge. We learn something new, apply it to our problem, and ta-da, problem solved.

And, there are times when either by chance (as was my recent scenario) or on purpose, we go in search of wider and deeper learning and create exponential growth in our knowledge and outcomes.

You cannot go past everyday learning for knowledge and growth, don’t you agree.


A Couple Of Minutes


Building A Nest