Workplace Whitespace

Workplaces need whitespaces.

Designer Mark Boulton describes whitespace as “the art of nothing” and goes on to say that “without it, there can be no something”.

In many of our workplaces (not to mention our lives) there is little whitespace.

Every minute, hour, day, week, month, year filled to the brim. More often we experience it overflowing, straight into overwork and overwhelm.

Whitespace brings art and design to life. It allows space to breathe, to think, to appreciate. And, it distils the essence of what is, and what could be.

Often we (especially we lay-people) might take whitespace in art and design for granted. Not realising that the “nothing” is what makes it “something”.

Often we might take the lack of whitespace in our work and lives as a given. We might see it as a fixture beyond our control.

Except how we work and structure our workplaces is a choice. We are the designers, and we can choose to add space into our days.

Which makes me wonder, how might we add more of the “art of nothing” into our work and lives. Wouldn’t that be something!


Have To - Want To


What We See