Who’s On Team You?

Who’s on your team?

Meet … Future you, Past You, and Now You.

Whatever we’re up to at work - or in life - these three are on our team.

When we observe ourselves in action we can see how each of these team members play their part in what we achieve.

Of course, Future You is thinking about tomorrow and beyond. They’re holding on to the vision and aspirations, and encouraging our efforts toward these.

Past You is the holder of our previously decided goals and commitments. They are the voice on our shoulder reminding us of the list.

And, then there’s Now You. Now You is in the moment, showing up when we’re in flow and getting sh..tuff done, and they are hanging around when we’re deep down the rabbit hole of a YouTube clip or similar distraction.

When we think about leading a team, we often consider the others in our team. Yet the first team we lead is Team You.

As with any great team, there are competing priorities, approaches, strengths and areas for improvement. And, as with any great team, when we recognise these, and work toward a shared purpose, anything is possible.

I’m curious, how’s Team You working in your world?


Expect To Wonder


Don’t Know It All