Who’s Invited?

Who would you invite to a dinner, if you could ask anyone from throughout history?

It’s a classic question, often asked in those [potentially awkward] ice-breaker introductions to a group activity [yes, eye-rolls allowed]

But the question itself has me wondering about who we are inviting in to our work and lives every day.

Curiosity might be there. She whispers, “oh, that’s interesting. I’d love to know more about …”

Learning hears her and responds, “yes, imagine what we could do with that knowledge…”

Just then, Fear steps in. “I know what you’re both talking about, and I wouldn’t be asking that question!” Fear, having seeded the thought, strolls off to the next person.

Regret wanders over. “You know what is interesting. ‘The regret you feel from not taking action tends to last longer than the regret you feel from taking action and failing’ There’s even studies to prove it.”

Curiosity and Learning look at each other and, in unison, exclaim, “We should have invited Courage!”

Change wanders over to console them. “What can I do for you?”

Perhaps, Curiosity has another question for us: who are we inviting in today?


Taking The Step


Need A Hack For That?