Need A Hack For That?

There’s a hack for that …

As I was doing a digital de-clutter, I observed that much of the information and inspiration I source from newsletters and social media offers up a hack … or three (hundred).

There’s a hack for my time management.

There’s a hack for my planning processes.

There’s a hack for my home organisation.

There’s a hack, of course, for my digital de-cluttering.

Yes, there’s a hack for … everything.

The temptation with hacks is to consider them as THE solution to all of our problems, and all we need to do is apply it for all to be good again.

That’s assuming there is a definitive answer, and that someone has found it for us.

[Sidenote: we know what is said about assuming 😉]

What if we were to see hacks as a source of possibility?

When we are curious to discover and learn, it provides us with something new to test and experiment against our current practices. We might add the hack to our toolkit of work and life, or we might say, that hack’s not for me.

Being open to the possibility that a hack may be helpful to us is part of having a learning and growth mindset.

And, did you know, there’s a hack for that, too.


Who’s Invited?


Winding Roads