Who Is The Boss?

Stop beeping!

Yes, I was talking to the fridge 😁

Author Jung Pueblo writes: Don’t let technology boss you around.

Words worth listening to, don’t you agree?!

We are surrounded by the pings, dings, and beeps that make up the digital noise of our time. Not to mention the constant stream of notifications popping up on our computer or phone screen. And, then there are those little red numbers that remind of us the ever-growing items to be read or done.

Technology can be extremely bossy, if we allow it.

Instead when we remain mindful of how we work best, and what feeds our energy and wellbeing, we can find the technology solution that works for us. Whether that’s all, nothing, or somewhere in between, what matters is that we are in charge.

I’m curious who’s the boss of your technology? I hope it is you.


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