Where’s The Clone?

If I could clone myself …

These words from a colleague and friend as they relayed the full week ahead.

Oh yes, haven’t we all wished for a clone, or two, to help us be in many different places at once, and to get All The Things™️ done!

Even if it were possible, this is unlikely to be the panacea to our problems.

What if we were to embark upon our week - whatever it may hold - feeling comfortable that we cannot be in all the places and doing all the things.

The saying “be where your feet are” brings us into the present moment and reminds us that focusing on the right here and now helps reduce overwhelm and stress.

An antidote to dreaming about a clone might be to ask:

What is that one thing, or

one next thing,

that will help you start the week well?

Perhaps, it is there, right under your feet.


Ticking The Curiosity Box


What If I Could?