Weeks End

What are Friday’s for?

For some of us they are best described by oft-used TGIF, and the relief of landing at the end of the working week.

Our daily and weekly patterns of thinking quickly form into habits of doing and being. Week in, week out turns to year in, year out. We can find ourselves on that treadmill of the daily grind and working solely for the weekend.

What if we were able to see Fridays as more than the hurdle to jump on our way to where we’d rather be?

What if we reframed Fridays as a day for reflection and learning, dreaming and planning, connection and more?

What if we were to end our week asking:

What went well? What has surprised me? What have I enjoyed? What can I do differently? What is the one thing I will do to take me closer to my goals? When am I showing up as the best version of myself?

Changing our Friday’s might help us enjoy the weekend even more, don’t you agree!


Be True To You


Curiously Productive