We Change

Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, we are changing.

Whether you like it or not, you are never the same person you were before.

I hear people say "my boss has changed..." or "my company used to be so good to work for..."

As Henry David Thoreau put it, things do not change, we change.

The reason we feel as though things have changed around us is because things have changed within us.

Change is a natural part of life. Once we start recognising that we are changing all the time then we can become more purposeful in doing so. Making sure that the change takes us closer to where we want to be and not further away.

When we look back at the end of today and reflect on how we’ve changed based on today's experience, what what do we see? What might we prefer to see?

I wonder what other change awaits us.


Take A Break


Real Change