Too Close To Change

There’s a popular saying that you can’t read the label from inside the bottle.

Of course, it doesn’t stop us trying.

Psychologist Daniel Kahneman in his Nobel prize winning work, and book Thinking Fast & Slow, writes about the insider bias. This cognitive bias applies to us humans at an individual level, and in our workplaces at the organisational level.

It becomes a challenge when we are seeking to make change happen.

It’s all about perspective. What we see and believe is different when we are immersed in the challenge and our current environment. Likewise, this biased perspective can skew the decisions we make and the actions we take.

The importance of seeking feedback and an alternative perspective cannot be understated.

It is a step in the process of change that we can skip over, whether through fear, time pressures or the insider bias itself.

I’m curious, how might you find the perspective shift needed for the change you seek to make?


Mid-week Mood


Care to Change