Today I’m Grateful

Today I am grateful for …

These 5 words are powerful.

It seems so simple, doesn’t it.

A daily practice where we stop and consider what we’re grateful for. A practice which shifts our focus to what is going well. A practice which we can do by ourselves - journalling or thinking about what we’re grateful for; and a practice we can do with others - sharing with family, friends, colleagues.

The research is piling up to show how gratitude has a positive impact on many areas of our work and life. It’s good for our health and wellbeing; regulates our emotions; strengthens relationships; improves our decision making; and boosts our self confidence and esteem.

A small change in our daily practices can make a real difference. I’m grateful that I share a community gratitude practice, and for the big difference it has made for me.

I’m curious, what are you grateful for today?


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