Time Train

Weren’t we just in February?!

My friend and colleague chuckled - and gulped - at the reality of being in the second week of July.

How often does this happen that we think we have all the time in the world… until we don’t? We stop, and wonder, where it went. We start to think of all that could have been.

And, whilst this can be a sign of life being lived and experienced fully in the moment, the freight train of time can roll along those tracks crushing all of our dreams, goals and plans along the way.

The balance between thinking, planning, doing, and being is something to return to again and again. Reassess, Recalibrate, Reset, Realign, Restart. Re … whatever it is that you need to restore the balance.

It won’t be long before we are chuckling - and gulping - about the fact that July felt like yesterday.

What might we do with that time?


Not Serious


The Other Side