This Year? Or Next?

A ‘this year’ problem?

Or next?

The popular meme shows an email with this very question, and based on the reactions, many of us are quick to laugh and share the joke.

After all, who hasn’t thought about clicking: select all, delete. Especially, this time of year 😁

What if, though, the question posed in this joke is one worth asking?

Too many times we find ourselves in panic mode as the holidays approach, feeling as though EVERY last thing on the to-do list needs to be done.

A little discernment goes a long way to improving our wellbeing and team culture. Ensuring that our energy and focus is on what needs to be completed, and identifying what falls into the next month’s action pile minimises unnecessary panic and friction.

Yes, we can use the end of year ‘line in the sand’ for a spur of motivation to get some things done. And, we can recognise that doing so for everything is not helpful.

As you go through the week ahead, how might you determine if it’s a ‘this year’ or ‘next year’ problem?


Shower Ideas


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