This Is New

Is doing something new scary?

It can be, especially when we consider the unknowns that come with anything new.

Today I decided to try a new recipe for dinner. Despite assuring myself that all ingredients would be to the taste of those eating, it still comes with some risk.

What if it doesn’t work? What if it doesn’t taste as good as it looks? What if I make a mistake along the way? What if …. What if …. What if ….

Of course, we can take ourselves along this particular line of “what if” questions whenever we’re trying something new.

What if we posed a different set of “what if” questions?

What if this new recipe turns out to be a delicious meal that we all enjoy? What if I learn a new set of cooking skills? What if it’s good enough to meet most of our needs? What if I get to add a new go-to recipe to the list?

Doing new things in all parts of our lives is great way to practice getting comfortable with the unknown. And asking ourselves the most important question of all, so what if it doesn’t work?


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Outside Our Head