Teacher & Student

Does your job description include ‘teacher’?

Does your job description include ‘student’?

Maybe not in so many words, although I’ve yet to see a role where we’re not required to train, mentor, coach, guide, and impart our skills and knowledge to others. I’ve yet to see a role where we don’t have the opportunity to learn and do something new.

What’s best is that they have a symbiotic relationship. There is always an opportunity for the teacher to become the student; and for the student to teach.

It doesn’t matter if you’re entry level, experienced professional or in an executive role, embracing both the teacher and student features of our roles is vital.

This is good for our personal development and for creating a learning culture in our teams and workplaces.

I’m curious, how are you performing as teacher and student right now?


Cadence of Work


The Joy Of New