Cadence of Work

A friend and colleague is taking some time off work, with the parting comment of: It’s finally here, and I’ve dragged myself to the door … just.

Yes, there is no doubt, they are ready for their break. It has been building up for months.

It got me thinking about the boom-bust nature of this cycle.

Work, work, work, until depletion, and almost collapse into our time off from work. Replenish, go back to work, and it starts all over again.

Our working weeks are meant to provide a cadence of work and rest. For many of us, this gets unbalanced and when it remains so for too long, we pay the price.

Our work can suffer, our health and wellbeing can suffer, our relationships can suffer, and so on and so forth.

Smoothing out the booms and the busts might be a workplace change that is good for all of us, don’t you agree.


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