T-Shaped Learning

My fellow curious cat, Terri Ioannou of Mr Poppins + Co, recommended an interesting podcast episode called What’s a Day in the Life of a Coral Reef.

Weekends, for me, are perfect opportunities to satiate my curiosity about all sorts of interesting topics and take a deep dive into learning something new. 

Being a t-shaped learner is a necessary skill for the modern workplace. Balancing wide knowledge and learning across a range of fields with deep dives of mastery allows us to bring many perspectives and solutions to the dynamic and complex problems our jobs involve.

It’s true, I do not NEED to know about the life and challenges of coral reefs, although there’s many a lesson on change to be discovered by learning more about them. Not to mention a few interesting stories to use in my next workshop. 

As the saying goes, the way to be interesting is to be interested. Something that the curious in our midst cannot help but be.


Right Enough


Super Speedy