Sunshine Culture

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As the winter sun streams through my office window, it got me thinking about the benefits of sunshine.

Sunshine is often used as an analogy for openness and transparency. Whilst traditionally used in a political sense, I believe it is useful to apply to our workplaces.

We know that people are more engaged and effective when working within open and transparent teams. We know that when knowledge and information is shared generously and often, people feel more empowered and committed. We know that people are more agile and adaptable to change when they understand the whole picture.

A little bit of sunshine ☀️ can help us create this open and transparent culture.

Open the blinds and let the sunshine in to our workplace. Let it stream in and light up the information and knowledge, and especially our people. Let it lower our stress and fear. Let it warm us up and get moving. Let it build a positivity throughout our teams.

Just as we know sunshine is good for our personal health and wellbeing, so it is for our workplace.


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