Chaos Happens

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Today I found myself watching the Madison Cycling race at the Olympic Games. It is an amazing track cycling event: 16 countries represented by 2 riders who compete in a relay-style 200 laps of the velodrome.

With 32 cyclists going round and round, up and down, speeding up and slowing down, searching for their team-mate, tagging in and tagging out, it is CHAOS.

It got me thinking about how we often have to deal with chaotic situations.

It might be inner chaos:
— A busy mind.
— Waves of emotion.
— Tension, nerves, anxiety.

A deep breath in and out. A walk or run. Phone a friend. Write your journal.

Or it could be external chaos akin to being on the cycling track.

Again those deep breaths help. As well as focusing in on your tasks and responsibilities. And taking it step by step.

As author Gretchen Rubin puts it, outer order brings inner calm. And, the flip side is true, too.

It mightn’t be battling the chaos of a 200 lap cycling race, but we sure can apply inner or outer calm techniques for next time life gives us our own version of chaos.


Good Overwhelm


Sunshine Culture