Stop Waiting

What am I waiting for?!

It’s a question I’ve heard numerous times this year from clients, friends, and myself.

To ask this question suggests that we have noticed that we are waiting.

For something.

But, what?

What ARE we waiting for?

Perhaps it is …

a particular date on the calendar, or

until the conditions are just so, or

when we’ve done step A and B and C and, perhaps even, step D, or

when we’ve mastered a skill, or

have the permission (we believe) we need, or

when we can be assured of the outcome we desire, or

[insert any other story we have for waiting …]

When we reach the point of asking, ‘what am I waiting for?’, we are ready for change.

So, what if we stop waiting,

and choose to start,


I wonder, how might that make a difference to the change you seek to make?


Choose Your Own Way


Start, Stop, Keep Doing