Sneaky Change

My car sent you a message …

One of many sentences I never thought I’d hear myself say.

So much of change sneaks up on us.

In the same way leaves change colour from season to season, we often don’t see each of the small shifts and changes. And, then one day we look at the tree that we’ve walked past 100 times and think: oh wow, the leaves are all green again.

And so it is that I found myself knowing that my car is very smart (especially compared to the first one I drove!), yet having cause to pause as I relayed to the person at the garage that my car had instigated email communication to say it has an issue.

It is fun to take that moment and reflect on all the change that has happened to get us to this point of car to human communication.

And, it’s fun to think of all the other areas in work and life where we might find ourselves saying, and doing, things we never thought possible.

I’m curious, what’s something you never thought you would hear yourself say?


What A Relief


Just One More