Simple Changes

Simple isn’t always simple.

And, it isn’t always difficult.

In today’s, “if I had a dollar” post, I’m thinking about the stories I’ve had relayed of frustratingly complicated, non-user friendly processes and systems that make life harder, not easier.

We are bound to encounter at least one a day in our work and life, and devoid of much (any) human focused design, they sap us of our time, energy and motivation.

Even if I were to step back from the inkling that some are deliberately designed this way, we know there is a better way. We know it needs to change.

And, unwilling to throw our arms in the air and think there is nothing we can do, we must continue to demand that the processes and systems we live and work with are


People focused; and


I’m curious (or a sucker 😉) to hear more stories of where you think we can make work and life simpler and human-focused and wonder what have you encountered this week?


Looking Back


Today’s Seeds