Shall We Start?

I will start when …

One reason we don't achieve what we want in life is that we don't start.⁠

We say:

I will start when I've finished my study ...⁠

I will start when I've learned this one necessary skill ...⁠

I will start when I have more time ...⁠

I will start when I am less tired ...⁠

I will start when I've finished this other thing ...⁠

Not starting can sometimes be driven by fear or resistance.⁠ Fear and resistance fools us into thinking we are never ready.

Author Steven Pressfield encourages us with the words: “start before you are ready”.

Starting doesn't have to be huge - one small step today brings us closer to our goal tomorrow.⁠

I wonder, shall we start?⁠


Top Of The Mountain


What Is Possible?