Save Your Batteries

As I sat down at my desk, I noticed the little light on my mouse was still on. I had forgotten to switch it off when I finished.

With a grimace, I conceded that these things happen when they are part of a human process. Because habits are funny that way, something we have done a thousand times before can still be forgotten now and again.

As my mind turned to my mouse’s battery, I wondered about our own energy supply.

We all know the importance of switching ourselves off, yet there are times we forget to, or choose not to.

Whilst it might be true that the energy loss for my mouse, and perhaps myself, from the occasional “staying switched on” moment is unnoticeable, it does all add up. Do it too often and we’ll be needing a battery change much earlier than anticipated.

I’m curious, is your light still on? Moving through the middle of the week is a great time to remember to switch off and preserve some of our precious energy, don’t you agree.


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