Rest On Repeat

On repeat.

If we want to learn, grow and change, we need the lessons on repeat.

On weekends, my on-repeat messages are all about rest.

I was recently asked, why talk about rest so often?

The prevailing view in so much of work and life is anti-rest.

Push through.

Sleep when you’re dead.

Time is money.

Rest is for the lazy.

Be productive.

And so on, and so forth.

And yet, rest is truly the secret sauce of success. When we give ourselves time and space to step back, reenergise and revitalise, we can be better.

On weekends, I like to practice what I preach, and take time out to rest. Do you?

I’m curious, how many times do we need to hear the message to rest for it to become an essential part of work and life?


Ta Da Moments


Easy Is A Paradox