Resist The Pressure!

Resist the pressure.

A message for myself, that may also speak to you.

Each year when we turn the calendar page to October, it seems an invitation to all and sundry to rush us through to the end of the year.

I’m all for looking forward, setting goals and objectives, and planning for what is to come. I also believe that a quarterly (or 90-day) planning period has its benefits.

And, I believe we can find ourselves sucked into the externally generated panic and hype that is associated with the last quarter of the calendar year. It can result in us feeling pressured to change what is already working for us and meet arbitrary end of year deadlines.

To help me to resist the pressure, I’m using the first day of the month to review my 2023 goals; to reflect on what is working and what needs to change; and to identify the core focus of the next 90 days.

I’m curious, how does the ‘rush to the end of year’ pressure affect you?


Savour The Moment


Small Steps Forward