Ready To Go

As I unbox my annual jigsaw puzzle gift from my family, I reflect on how a new, complex project requires much preparation.

There’s the physical preparation, including adequate lighting, the right sized board to work on, containers for sorting pieces and so forth.

And, then there’s the mental preparation. What strategy will I utilise this time? Should I start with the difficult areas, or start easy and work my way into it? Am I rested enough and able to focus on the tasks at hand? How much time will I give to this project each day? How long might it take to complete? 

If you, too, are spending the holidays embarking on a new project - whether it’s a jigsaw puzzle, helping the kids with their Lego constructions or something else - it’s a great opportunity to consider the benefits of proper preparation.

As Abraham Lincoln stated: give me 6 hours to chop down a tree, and I’ll spend the first 4 sharpening the axe.

So, now I’ve sharpened my axe, I’m off to find some corner pieces.

How about you - is your axe sharpened and ready to go?


Liminal Space


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