Productive Places

Do you have a productive place?

Perhaps, you have more than one.

Our favourite places to work (and play) are proven to positively impact on our productivity and outcomes, not to mention our overall wellbeing. I know that when I find myself working in one of my productive places, I can access greater creativity, flow and enjoyment. The quality and quantity of my work improves beyond measure.

Our environment matters.

There is much interest right now in where we work. Unfortunately much of this discussion is often binary, and limited.

For many workplaces, there is no one size fits all. It can vary within workplaces and teams, and for the type of work being done.

This is a nuanced discussion that is necessary in workplaces across the globe. We have a moment in time to make change for the better, and to take another step forward in creating human-focused workplaces.

We can all play a part in this change.

As we do, let’s remember, seeking the ideal environment to help us work at our best is vital and benefits us, our teams and our entire workplace culture.

Conversations had with care, curiosity and courage can help us to make change happen.

When you think about your work, your needs and your productive place to work, how might you play a role in seeking change?


Take The First Step


Recognise Habits