Power Naps

Let’s begin by taking a smallish nap or two. Winnie the Pooh

A good day to write about the power of a power nap.

As we learn more about the benefits of a healthy sleep routine, research is increasing into how a short, power nap can play a role. The 24/7, always on world we live in, and busy, go-go-go expectations at work can leave us feeling depleted of energy, motivation and resilience.

I find both restorative and anticipatory naps helpful. Whether it is catching up after my sleep has been disrupted, or using one to prepare for a busy period, they give me the opportunity to rest my mind and body. In 15 minutes, I can feel refreshed, alert and ready to go again.

Bonus tip: using a guided meditation app will help you switch your busy mind and body into rest mode. Just search nap and the options abound.

I’m curious, who’s with me, and Winnie the Pooh, on loving a power nap?


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