Listen For Doubt

When listening to another, I can usually identify when those moments of self-doubt creep in. I hear the person use words like “I can’t” or “I shouldn't”. I hear the words of the inner critic or the imposter who dares to ask “who are you to do/want/try…”

It is also important to listen inwards for similar signs.

It’s a natural, human phenomenom to experience self-doubt from time to time.

What to do when the doubts become more regular or affect our mood and motivation?

Where our bodies go, our minds tend to follow.

Switching our words helps. “I can’t” to “I will” and “I shouldn’t” to “Why not”

Taking action helps. One small step forward, leads to two, then three and so on.

A deep breath in and exhale that self doubt out.

Always worth a go.


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