Power in the Pause

There is power in the pause.

With a week until the holidays commence, it is tempting to put the foot flat to the pedal and do as much as one can. After all, at this time of year it is coming at us from all directions.

Sometimes, though, the best thing we can do is to pause.

We may feel uncomfortable with the inaction.

We may feel uneasy when we look at the ‘should be doing’ list.

A short break. An easing off the hectic pace. A moment of relaxation. It can be enough to re-energise and re-focus our efforts. 

If you’re anything like me, the list of need/should/could/want this coming week is long. Today’s pause has been just what I needed.

I hope you can find a moment to pause this week, too.


Playing Games


To Err is Human