Perpetual Change

Tick box.


This is the expected action in our productivity focused world of work. Over and over and over. Get sh…tuff done. Tick the box and move on to the next.

There’s a tendency to treat our change projects in the same way.

Start. Finish. Steps in between. Tick each of the boxes, a final flourish at the finish line and BOOM, it’s done. What’s next?

Except change doesn’t quite work that way.

Change is perpetual. We, and our workplaces, are always changing, learning, improving, growing, adapting.

With a finish and forget mentality we miss the opportunity for embedding change and making further improvements. We forego the learning and growth available for our people and teams.

Often what we think of as finish lines are milestones of progress.

This distinction is critical.

Milestones of progress is the best of all worlds. We get to finish and keep going. We get to tick little boxes each and every day. And, we get to reflect and celebrate often.

Constant change really is a virtuous circle of goodness, don’t you agree!


Motivation Reset


Paradox Of Choice